NSC-12.1 - Percentage of total productive nursing hours worked by RN (employee and contract) with direct patient care responsibilities by hospital unit.
NSC-12.2 - Percentage of total productive nursing hours worked by LPN/LVN (employee and contract) with direct patient care responsibilities by hospital unit.
NSC-12.3 - Percentage of total productive nursing hours worked by UAP (employee and contract) with direct patient care responsibilities by hospital unit.
NSC-12.4 - Percentage of total productive nursing hours worked by contract or agency staff (RN, LPN/LVN, and UAP) with direct patient care responsibilities by hospital unit.
Note that the skill mix of the nursing staff (NSC-12.1, NSC-12.2, and NSC-12.3) represent the proportions of total productive nursing hours by each type of nursing staff (RN, LPN/LVN, and UAP); NSC-12.4 is a separate rate.
Measure focus is structure of care quality in acute care hospital units.
1.5 Measure Type1.7 Electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM)1.9 Care Setting1.20 Testing Data Sources
1.14 Numerator
Four separate numerators are as follows:
RN hours – Productive nursing care hours worked by RNs with direct patient care responsibilities for each hospital in-patient unit during the calendar month.
LPN/LVN hours – Productive nursing care hours worked by LPNs/LVNs with direct patient care responsibilities for each hospital in-patient unit during the calendar month.
UAP hours – Productive nursing care hours worked by UAP with direct patient care responsibilities for each hospital in-patient unit during the calendar month.
Contract or agency hours – Productive nursing care hours worked by nursing staff (contract or agency staff) with direct patient care responsibilities for each hospital in-patient unit during the calendar month.
1.15 Denominator
Denominator is the total number of productive hours worked by employee or contract nursing staff with direct patient care responsibilities (RN, LPN/LVN, and UAP) for each hospital in-patient unit during the calendar month.
Same as numerator; nursing staff with no direct patient care responsibilities are excluded.
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6.1.2 Current or Planned Use(s)