The Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) Home Health Care Survey, also referred as the "CAHPS Home Health Care Survey" or "Home Health CAHPS" or “HHCAHPS” is a standardized survey instrument and data collection methodology for measuring home health patients ‘perspectives on their home health care in Medicare-certified home health care agencies. AHRQ and CMS participated in the development of the Home Health CAHPS to measure the experiences of those receiving home health care with these three goals in mind:
(1) To produce comparable data on patients´ perspectives on care that allow objective and meaningful comparisons between home health agencies on domains that are important to consumers,
(2) To create incentives for agencies to improve their quality of care through public reporting of survey results, and
(3) To enhance public accountability in health care by increasing the transparency of the quality of care provided in return for public investment.
Measure Specs
General Information
The numerator statement is that each measure encompasses the responses for all questions that make up the particular measure. Missing data for individual survey questions are not included in the calculations. Only data from a completed survey are used in the calculations. The measures scores averages the proportion of those responding to each answer choice in all questions. Each global rating is scored based on the number of the respondents in the distribution of top responses, such as the percentage of patients rating a home health agency with a 9 or a 10, where 10 is the highest quality responses on a scale from 0 to 10.
For each of the proportions described in S.5 the denominator is the number of respondents who replied to the question.
Numerator and Denominator Exclusions:
• Patients under 18 years of age at any time during their stay are excluded.
• Patients who received fewer than 2 visits from home health agency personnel during a 2-month look-back period are excluded. The 2-month look-back period is defined as the 2-months prior to and including the last day in the sample month.
• Patients have been previously selected for an HHCAHPS sample during any month in the current quarter, or during the last 5 months, are excluded.
• Patients who are currently receiving hospice, or are discharged to hospice, are excluded.
• All routine maternity patients are excluded.
• All “No publicity” status patients are excluded.
• Patients receiving only non-skilled care are excluded.
• Patients who reside in a state where their health condition exclude them from surveys.
• Patients who are decedents at the time of the sample are excluded.
Public Comments