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Validated family-centered survey questionnaire for parents’ and patients’ experiences during inpatient pediatric hospital stay

Endorsement Status
1.1 New or Maintenance
E&M Cycle
Is Under Review
1.3 Measure Description

This family-centered survey questionnaire consists of 68 questions that assess various aspects of care experiences during inpatient pediatric hospital stays. Questions can be used individually to measure specific performance but 35 rating questions can also be summarized into domain scores.

The 68 questions of the survey can be divided into 3 groups:
1. 26 background questions that mostly provide information for comparisons across different demographic and patient groups:
a. 19 demographic questions or questions that distinguish different groups of patients (e.g. surgical vs. medical)
b. 3 skip questions to identify eligibility of following questions
c. 4 questions about the hospital environment
2. 35 questions that are part of 8 domains:
a. Partnership with nurses (9 questions)
b. Partnership with doctors (9 questions)
c. Identification of Attending Physician (1 question)
d. Patient Comfort (2 questions)
e. Communications about Medications (2 questions)
f. Admission (2 questions)
g. Discharge and Home Care Preparation (6 questions)
h. Emotional Satisfaction (4 questions)
3. 5 overall rating questions to be used individually
4. 2 open-ended questions allowing parents to write individual comments

Type of Score: The majority of the survey questions are categorical in nature. Ordinal measures enable the rating of experiences, dichotomous measures are used to assess if subsequent questions apply to the experiences of parents and the patient but a small number of questions are open-ended to allow any additional or more detailed comments. Domain scores are calculated as the percentage of domain questions answered in the most positive response category, the top-box, of all the domain questions the respondent answered.

Target Population: The target population is one of the parents, 18 years or older, of a child that stayed for at least one day in an inpatient unit at the hospital and was discharged during the previous time period, e.g. the last month or the last quarter.

Timeframe: Monthly or Quarterly

        • 1.14 Numerator

          Rating questions can be categorized into one of following 8 measurement domains or are individual overall experience measures of parents’ experiences during the last inpatient hospital stay of their child.

          8 Measurement Domains:
          1. Partnership with Nurses (9 questions)
          2. Partnership with Doctors (9 questions)
          3. Identification of Attending Physician (1 question)
          4. Patient Comfort (2 questions)
          5. Communication about Medications (2 questions)
          6. Admission (2 questions)
          7. Discharge and Home Care Preparation (6 questions)
          8. Emotional Satisfaction (4 questions)

          5 Individual Overall Experience Questions:
          1. Using any number from 0 to 10, where 0 is the worst hospital possible and 10 is the best hospital possible, what number would you use to rate this hospital during your child’s stay?
          2. How often did you feel confidence and trust that your child was receiving safe medical care?
          3. How well did this hospital meet your expectations for the care you thought your child should receive?
          4. How would you rate the overall quality of care that your child received?
          5. How likely or unlikely are you to recommend this hospital to your family and friends?

        • 1.15 Denominator

          Calendar Month:
          The target population includes parents18 years or older of children who were discharged from an inpatient stay during a calendar month.

          Calendar Quarter:
          The target population includes parents18 years or older of children who were discharged from an inpatient stay during a calendar quarter.

        • Exclusions

          All surveys are accepted even if item nonresponse is present. Item nonresponse might lead to a missing measure for certain questions. If none of the questions within a domain has been answered, the respondent will not have a score for this domain. No general exclusions.

        • Most Recent Endorsement Activity
          Measure Retired and Endorsement Removed Person and Family-Centered Care Endorsement Maintenance Project
          Initial Endorsement
          Last Updated
          Removal Date