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Rehospitalization During the First 30 Days of Home Health

  • Percentage of home health stays in which patients who had an acute inpatient hospitalization in the 5 days before the start of their home health stay were admitted to an acute care hospital during the 30 days following the start of the home health stay.

    CBE ID

Overall Defect Free Care for AMI

  • The proportion of acute MI patients >= 18 years of age that receive "perfect care" based upon their eligibility for each performance measures

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PointRight ® Pro 30™

  • PointRight OnPoint-30 is an all-cause, risk adjusted rehospitalization measure. It provides the rate at which all patients (regardless of payer status or diagnosis) who enter skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) from acute hospitals and are subsequently rehospitalized during their SNF stay, within 30 days from their admission to the SNF.

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Breast Cancer Screening

  • Percentage of women 50-74 years of age who had a mammogram to screen for breast cancer

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Annual Monitoring for Patients on Persistent Medications (MPM)

  • This measure assesses the percentage of patients 18 years of age and older who received a least 180 treatment days of ambulatory medication therapy for a select therapeutic agent during the measurement year and at least one therapeutic monitoring event for the therapeutic agent in the measurement year. Report the following three rates and a total rate:

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Glycemic Control - Hyperglycemia

  • Average percentage of hyperglycemic hospital days for individuals with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, anti-diabetic drugs (except metformin) administered, or at least one elevated glucose level during the hospital stay

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Functional Change: Change in Mobility Score

  • Change in rasch derived values of mobility function from admission to discharge among adults aged 18 and older receiving inpatient medical rehabilitation at a post acute care facility who were discharged alive. The timeframe for the measure is 12 months. The measure includes the following 4 mobility items:1. Transfer Bed/Chair/Wheelchair, 2. Transfer Toilet, 3. Locomotion, 4. Stairs.

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