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Change in Daily Activity Function as Measured by the AM-PAC:

  • The Activity Measure for Post Acute Care (AM-PAC) is a functional status assessment instrument developed specifically for use in facility and community dwelling post acute care (PAC) patients. It was built using Item Response Theory (IRT) methods to achieve feasible, practical, and precise measurement of functional status (Hambleton 2000, Hambleton 2005).

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Child Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (Child HCAHPS) Survey

  • The Child Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (Child HCAHPS) Survey is a standardized survey instrument that asks parents and guardians (henceforth referred to as parents) of children under 18 years old to report on their and their child’s experiences with inpatient hospital care.

    The performance measures of the Child HCAHPS survey consist of 39 items organized by overarching groups into the following 18 composite and single-item measures:

    Communication with Parent
    1. Communication between you and your child’s nurses (3 items)

    CBE ID

Children Who Have Inadequate Insurance Coverage For Optimal Health

  • The measure is designed to ascetain whether or not current insurance program coverage is adequate for the child´s health needs--whether the out of pocket expenses are reasonable; whether the child is limited or not in choice of doctors; and whether the benefits meet child´s healthcare needs.

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