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Valid for Measure Submission

Children Who Receive Preventive Medical Visits

  • Assesses how many medical preventive visits in a 12 month period, such as a physical exam or well-child check-up (does not include visits related to specific illnesses)

    CBE ID

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) or Asthma in Older Adults Admission Rate (PQI 05)

  • Admissions with a principal diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma per 100,000 population, ages 40 years and older. Excludes obstetric admissions and transfers from other institutions.

    [NOTE: The software provides the rate per population. However, common practice reports the measure as per 100,000 population. The user must multiply the rate obtained from the software by 100,000 to report admissions per 100,000 population.]

    CBE ID

Clinician/Group’s Cultural Competence Based on the CAHPS® Cultural Competence Item Set

  • These measures are based on the CAHPS Cultural Competence Item Set, a set of supplemental items for the CAHPS Clinician/Group Survey that includes the following domains: Patient-provider communication; Complementary and alternative medicine; Experiences of discrimination due to race/ethnicity, insurance, or language; Experiences leading to trust or distrust, including level of trust, caring and confidence in the truthfulness of their provide; and Linguistic competency (Access to language services).

    CBE ID

Clinicians/Groups’ Health Literacy Practices Based on the CAHPS Item Set for Addressing Health Literacy

  • These measures are based on the CAHPS Item Set for Addressing Health Literacy, a set of supplemental items for the CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey. The item set includes the following domains: Communication with Provider (Doctor), Disease Self-Management, Communication about Medicines, Communication about Test Results, and Communication about Forms. Samples for the survey are drawn from adults who have had at least one provider´s visit within the past year. Measures can be calculated at the individual clinician level, or at the group (e.g., practice, clinic) level.

    CBE ID