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Valid for Measure Submission

Follow-Up After Emergency Department Visit for Mental Illness

  • The percentage of emergency department (ED) visits for members 6 years of age and older with a principal diagnosis of mental illness or intentional self-harm, who had a follow-up visit for mental illness. Two rates are reported:
    - The percentage of ED visits for which the member received follow-up within 30 days of the ED visit (31 total days).
    - The percentage of ED visits for which the member received follow-up within 7 days of the ED visit (8 total days).

    CBE ID

Follow-Up After Emergency Department Visit for Mental Illness or Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse or Dependence

  • The percentage of discharges for patients 18 years of age and older who had a visit to the emergency department with a primary diagnosis of mental health or alcohol or other drug dependence during the measurement year AND who had a follow-up visit with any provider with a corresponding primary diagnosis of mental health or alcohol or other drug dependence within 7- and 30-days of discharge.

    Four rates are reported:
    - The percentage of emergency department visits for mental health for which the patient received follow-up within 7 days of discharge.

    CBE ID

Follow-Up After Hospitalization for Mental Illness (FUH)

  • The percentage of discharges for members 6 years of age and older who were hospitalized for treatment of selected mental illness or intentional self-harm diagnoses and who had a follow-up visit with a mental health provider. Two rates are reported:
    1. The percentage of discharges for which the member received follow-up within 30 days after discharge.
    2. The percentage of discharges for which the member received follow-up within 7 days after discharge.

    CBE ID

Follow-Up After Hospitalization for Schizophrenia (7- and 30-day)

  • The percentage of discharges for individuals 18 – 64 years of age who were hospitalized for treatment of schizophrenia and who had an outpatient visit, an intensive outpatient encounter or partial hospitalization with a mental health practitioner. Two rates are reported.
    •The percentage of individuals who received follow-up within 30 days of discharge
    •The percentage of individuals who received follow-up within 7 days of discharge

    CBE ID

Follow-Up Care for Children Prescribed ADHD Medication (ADD)

  • Percentage of children newly prescribed attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medication who had at least three follow-up care visits within a 10-month period, one of which is within 30 days of when the first ADHD medication was dispensed.
    An Initiation Phase Rate and Continuation and Maintenance Phase Rate are reported.

    CBE ID

Frequency of Ongoing Prenatal Care (FPC)

  • The percentage of Medicaid deliveries that had the following number of expected prenatal visits:

    • less than 21 percent of expected visits.

    • 21 percent–40 percent of expected visits.

    • 41 percent–60 percent of expected visits.

    • 61 percent–80 percent of expected visits.

    • greater than or equal to 81 percent of expected visits.

    CBE ID

Hepatitis C: Viral Load Test

  • This measure identifies the percentage of patients with chronic Hepatitis C (HCV) who began HCV antiviral therapy during the measurement year and had HCV Viral Load testing 6 months prior to initiation of antiviral therapy.

    CBE ID