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Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement

Melanoma Coordination of Care

  • Percentage of patient visits, regardless of age, seen with a new occurrence of melanoma who have a treatment plan documented in the chart that was communicated to the physician(s) providing continuing care within one month of diagnosis.

    CBE ID

Osteoarthritis: Function and Pain Assessment

  • Type of score: Proportion
    Percentage of patient visits for patients aged 21 years and older with a diagnosis of osteoarthritis with assessment for function and pain

    CBE ID

Perioperative Care: Timing of Prophylactic Parenteral Antibiotics – Ordering Physician

  • Percentage of surgical patients aged 18 years and older undergoing procedures with the indications for prophylactic parenteral antibiotics, who have an order for prophylactic antibiotic to be given within one hour (if fluoroquinolone or vancomycin, two hours), prior to the surgical incision (or start of procedure when no incision is required)

    CBE ID

Prenatal Anti-D Immune Globulin

  • Percentage of D-negative, unsensitized patients who gave birth during a 12-month period who received anti-D immune globulin at 26-30 weeks gestation.

    CBE ID

Prenatal Blood Group Antibody Testing

  • Percentage of patients who gave birth during a 12-month period who were screened for blood group antibodies during the first or second prenatal care visit.

    CBE ID

Prenatal Blood Groups (ABO), D (Rh) Type

  • Percentage of patients who gave birth during a 12-month period who had a determination of blood group (ABO) and D (Rh) type by the second prenatal care visit.

    CBE ID