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Average change in functional status following lumbar spine fusion surgery

  • For patients age 18 and older undergoing lumbar spine fusion surgery, the average change from pre-operative functional status to one year (nine to fifteen months) post-operative functional status using the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI version 2.1a) patient reported outcome tool.

    CBE ID

Avoid Hospitalization After Release with a Misdiagnosis—ED Stroke/Dizziness (Avoid H.A.R.M.—ED Stroke/Dizziness)

  • This outcome measure tracks the rate of adult patients (aged 18 years and older) treated and released from the Emergency Department (ED) with either a non-specific, presumed benign symptom-only dizziness diagnosis or a specific inner ear/vestibular diagnosis (collectively referred to as “benign dizziness”) who were subsequently admitted to a hospital for a stroke within 30 days of their ED visit.

    CBE ID

Back Pain: Advice Against Bed Rest

  • Percentage of patients at least 18 years of age and younger than 80 with a back pain episode of 28 days or more with medical record documentation that a physician advised them against bed rest lasting four days or longer.

    CBE ID

Back Pain: Advice for Normal Activities

  • Percentage of patients at least 18 years of age and younger than 80 with a back pain episode of 28 days or more with medical record documentation that a physician advised them to maintain or resume normal activities.

    CBE ID

Back Pain: Appropriate Imaging for Acute Back Pain

  • Percentage of patients at least 18 years of age and younger than 80 with a diagnosis of back pain for whom the physician ordered imaging studies during the six weeks after pain onset, in the absence of “red flags” (overuse measure, lower performance is better).

    CBE ID

Back Pain: Appropriate Use of Epidural Steroid Injections

  • Percentage of patients at least 18 years of age and younger than 80 with back pain who have received an epidural steroid injection in the absence of radicular pain AND those patients with radicular pain who received an epidural steroid injection without image guidance (i.e. overuse measure, lower performance is better).

    CBE ID