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Infectious Disease Endorsement Maintenance

HIV/AIDS: Other Infectious Diseases - Hepatitis C

  • Percentage of patients aged 13 years and older with a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS for whom Hepatitis screening was performed at least once since the diagnosis of HIV infection, or for whom there is documented immunity

    CBE ID

Ventilator Bundle

  • Percentage of intensive care unit patients on mechanical ventilation
    at time of survey for whom all five elements of the ventilator bundle are documented and in place. The ventilator bundle elements are:
    •Head of bed (HOB) elevation 30 degrees or greater (unless medically contraindicated)
    •Daily “”sedation interruption” and daily assessment of readiness to extubate •Peptic ulcer disease prophylaxis
    •Deep Venous Thrombosis prophylaxis
    •Daily oral care with Chlorhexidine

    CBE ID