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Empirical validity testing at the accountable entity-level (e.g., criterion validity, construct validity, known groups analysis)

Valid for Measure Submission

Hospital 30-Day Risk-Standardized Readmission Rates following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI)

  • This measure estimates a hospital-level risk-standardized readmission rate (RSRR) following PCI for Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) patients who are 65 years of age or older. The outcome is defined as unplanned readmission for any cause within 30 days following hospital stays. The measure includes both patients who are admitted to the hospital (inpatients) for their PCI and patients who undergo PCI without being admitted (outpatient or observation stay). A specified set of planned readmissions do not count as readmissions.

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Hospital Harm – Falls with Injury

  • This ratio measure assesses the number of inpatient hospitalizations where at least one fall with a major or moderate injury occurs among the total qualifying inpatient hospital days for patients aged 18 years and older.

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Hospital Harm – Postoperative Respiratory Failure

  • This electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) assesses the proportion of elective inpatient hospitalizations for patients aged 18 years and older without an obstetrical condition who have a procedure resulting in postoperative respiratory failure (PRF).

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Hospital Risk-Standardized Complication Rate Following Implantation of Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD)

  • This measure provides hospital specific risk-standardized rates of procedural complications following the implantation of an Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD) in patients at least 65 years of age. The measure uses clinical data available in the National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR) Electrophysiology Device Implant Registry (EPDI - formerly the ICD Registry) for risk adjustment linked with administrative claims data using indirect patient identifiers to identify procedural complications.

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Hospital Visits after Hospital Outpatient Surgery

  • Hospital Visits after Hospital Outpatient Surgery measures facility-level risk-standardized rate of acute, unplanned hospital visits within 7 days of a procedure performed at a hospital outpatient department (HOPD) among Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) patients aged 65 years and older. An unplanned hospital visit is defined as an emergency department (ED) visit, observation stay, or unplanned inpatient admission. 

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Hospital Visits after Orthopedic Ambulatory Surgical Center Procedures

  • This measure was developed to improve the quality of care delivered to patients undergoing orthopedic procedures in an ambulatory surgical center (ASC). To assess quality, the measure calculates the risk-standardized rate of acute, unplanned hospital visits within seven days of qualified orthopedic surgeries or procedures performed at an ASC among Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) patients aged 65 years and older. An unplanned hospital visit is defined as an emergency department (ED) visit, observation stay, or unplanned inpatient admission.

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Hospital Visits After Urology Ambulatory Surgical Center Procedures

  • This measure was developed to improve the quality of care delivered to patients undergoing urology procedures in an ambulatory surgical center (ASC). The measure estimates a facility-level rate of risk-standardized, all-cause, unplanned hospital visits within seven days of a urology surgery at an ASC among Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) patients aged 65 years and older. An unplanned hospital visit is defined as an emergency department (ED) visit, observation stay, or unplanned inpatient admission. 

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Hospital-Wide 30-Day, All-Cause, Unplanned Readmission Rate (HWR) for the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Eligible Clinician Groups

  • The 30-day Hospital-Wide, All-Cause Unplanned Readmission (HWR) Rate for the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Groups measure is a risk-standardized readmission rate for beneficiaries age 65 or older who were hospitalized and experienced an unplanned readmission for any cause to a short-stay acute-care hospital within 30 days of discharge. The measure attributes readmissions to up to three MIPS participating clinician groups, as identified by their Medicare Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), and assesses each group’s readmission rate.

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Improvement in Ambulation/locomotion

  • Percentage of home health episodes of care during which the patient improved in ability to ambulate. This is a rate/proportion measure targeted at older adults with multiple chronic conditions during home health quality of care episodes. 

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Improvement in Bathing

  • Percentage of home health episodes of care during which the patient got better at bathing self. This is a rate/proportion measure targeted at elderly individuals with multiple chronic conditions during home health quality of care episodes. 

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