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HIV/AIDS: Tuberculosis (TB) Screening

  • Percentage of patients aged 3 months and older with a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS, for whom there was documentation that a tuberculosis (TB) screening test was performed and results interpreted (for tuberculin skin tests) at least once since the diagnosis of HIV infection.

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Hospital-Wide All-Cause Unplanned Readmission Measure (HWR)

  • This measure estimates a hospital-level, risk-standardized readmission rate (RSRR) of unplanned, all-cause readmission within 30 days of discharge from an index admission with an eligible condition or procedure. The measure reports a single summary RSRR, derived from the volume-weighted results of five different models, one for each of the following specialty cohorts based on groups of discharge condition categories or procedure categories: surgery/gynecology, general medicine, cardiorespiratory, cardiovascular, and neurology.

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Hospital-Wide All-Cause Unplanned Readmission Measure (HWR)

  • This measure estimates a hospital-level, risk-standardized readmission rate (RSRR) of unplanned, all-cause readmission within 30 days of discharge from an index admission with an eligible condition or procedure. The measure reports a single summary RSRR, derived from the volume-weighted results of five different models, one for each of the following specialty cohorts based on groups of discharge condition categories or procedure categories: surgery/gynecology, general medicine, cardiorespiratory, cardiovascular, and neurology.

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Laboratory Investigation for Secondary Causes of Fracture

  • Percentage of patients age 50 and over with fragility fracture who have had appropriate laboratory investigation for secondary causes of fracture ordered or performed prior to discharge from inpatient status.

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Late HIV diagnosis

  • Percentage of persons 13 years and older diagnosed with Stage 3 HIV infection (AIDS) within 3 months of a diagnosis of HIV infection.

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Maternal Depression Screening

  • The percentage of children 6 months of age who had documentation of a maternal depression screening for the mother.

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Measure pair - a. Tobacco use prevention for infants, children and adolescents, b. Tobacco use cessation for infants, children and adolescents

  • Percentage of patients’ charts showing either that there is no tobacco use/exposure or (if a user) that the current use was documented at the most recent clinic visit
    Percentage of patients with documented tobacco use or exposure at the latest visit who also have documentation that their cessation interest was assessed or that they received advice to quit

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One-Time Screening for Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) for Patients at Risk

  • Percentage of patients aged 18 years and older with one or more of the following: a history of injection drug use, receipt of a blood transfusion prior to 1992, receiving maintenance hemodialysis, OR birthdate in the years 1945–1965 who received one-time screening for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection

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