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Electronic Health Data

Pneumonia Vaccination

  • Percentage of patients who ever received a pneumococcal vaccination

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Post MI: ACE inhibitor or ARB therapy

  • This measure identifies patients with ST elevation MI (STEMI), or non-ST elevation MI (NSTEMI) plus a history of hypertension, heart failure and/or diabetes prior to the measurement year who are taking an ACEI or an ARB during the measurement year.

    CBE ID

Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up Plan

  • Percentage of patients aged 18 years and older with a BMI documented during the current encounter or during the previous twelve months AND with a BMI outside of normal parameters, a follow-up plan is documented during the encounter or during the previous twelve months of the current encounter
    Normal Parameters: Age 18 and older BMI >= 18.5 and < 25 kg/m2

    CBE ID

Preventive Care and Screening: Influenza Immunization

  • Percentage of patients aged 6 months and older seen for a visit between October 1 and March 31 who received an influenza immunization OR who reported previous receipt of an influenza immunization

    CBE ID

Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for Depression and Follow-Up Plan

  • Percentage of patients aged 12 years and older screened for depression on the date of the encounter or 14 days prior to the date of the encounter using an age appropriate standardized depression screening tool AND if positive, a follow-up plan is documented on the date of the eligible encounter

    CBE ID

Procedures and Tests

  • Performance Measure Name: Procedures and Tests
    Description: Patients who are transferred from an ED to another healthcare facility have communicated with the receiving facility within 60 minutes of discharge a list of tests done and results sent.

    CBE ID

Proportion of Patients Hospitalized with Stroke that have a Potentially Avoidable Complication (during the Index Stay or in the 30-day Post-Discharge Period)

  • Percent of adult population aged 18 – 65 years who were admitted to a hospital with stroke, were followed for one-month after discharge, and had one or more potentially avoidable complications (PACs). PACs may occur during the index stay or during the 30-day post discharge period (Please reference attached document labeled NQF_Stroke_PACs_Risk_Adjustment_2.16.10.xls, tabs labeled CIP_Index PAC_Stays and CIP_PAC_Readmission). We define PACs during each time period as one of three types:

    (A) PACs during the Index Stay (Hospitalization):

    CBE ID