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Stratification by risk category/subgroup

Operative Mortality Stratified by the 5 STAT Mortality Categories

  • Percent of patients undergoing index pediatric and/or congenital heart surgery who die, including both 1) all deaths occurring during the hospitalization in which the procedure was performed, even if after 30 days (including patients transferred to other acute care facilities), and 2) those deaths occurring after discharge from the hospital, but within 30 days of the procedure, stratified by the five STAT Mortality Categories, a multi-institutional validated risk stratification tool

    CBE ID

PACE Participant Fall Rate

  • The quarterly incidence rate of falls amongst PACE participants per 1,000 participant days.

    CBE ID

PACE-Acquired Pressure Ulcer/Injury Prevalence Rate

  • Prevalence of PACE-acquired pressure ulcers/injuries (Stages 3, 4, unstageable, and deep tissue injury) among PACE participants in a quarter, expressed as persons with 1 or more pressure ulcers/injuries divided by the number of participants on the PACE organization’s census who resided in a home setting (home or assisted living facility)for at least one day during the quarter.

    CBE ID

Plan All-Cause Readmissions (PCR)

  • For patients 18 years of age and older, the number of acute inpatient stays during the measurement year that were followed by an unplanned acute readmission for any diagnosis within 30 days and the predicted probability of an acute readmission. Data are reported in the following categories:

    1. Count of Index Hospital Stays* (denominator)
    2. Count of 30-Day Readmissions (numerator)
    3. Average Adjusted Probability of Readmission

    *An acute inpatient stay with a discharge during the first 11 months of the measurement year (e.g., on or between January 1 and December 1).

    CBE ID

Pressure ulcer prevalence (hospital acquired)

  • The total number of patients that have hospital-acquired (nosocomial) category/stage II or greater pressure ulcers on the day of the prevalence measurement episode.

    CBE ID