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Valid for Measure Submission

Heart Failure (HF): Detailed discharge instructions

  • Percentage of heart failure patients discharged home with written instructions or educational material given to patient or caregiver at discharge or during the hospital stay addressing all of the following: activity level, diet, discharge medications, follow-up appointment, weight monitoring, and what to do if symptoms worsen.

    CBE ID

High Risk for Pneumococcal Disease - Pneumococcal Vaccination

  • The percentage of patients aged 2 through 64 with a high risk condition, or aged 65 years and older who either received a pneumococcal vaccine (reported separately) or had a contraindication to pneumococcal vaccine (reported separately).

    CBE ID

History of Breast Cancer - Cancer Surveillance

  • The percentage of women with a history of breast cancer treated with curative intent who had breast cancer surveillance for local regional recurrence (LRR)annually.

    CBE ID