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Populations at Risk

PC-04 Health Care-Associated Bloodstream Infections in Newborns

This measure assesses the number of staphylococcal and gram negative septicemias or bacteremias in high-risk newborns. This measure is a part of a set of five nationally implemented measures that address perinatal care (PC-01: Elective Delivery, PC-02: Cesarean Birth, PC-03: Antenatal Steroids, PC-05: Exclusive Breast Milk Feeding; Beginning 1/1/2019 PC-06 Unexpected Complications in Term Newborns will be added).


Percent of High Risk Residents with Pressure Ulcers (Long Stay)

This measure reports the percentage of long-stay, high-risk, residents in a nursing home who have Stage II-IV or unstageable pressure ulcers on a selected target assessment in the target quarter. The long stay nursing home population is defined as residents who have received 101 or more cumulative days of nursing home care by the end of the target assessment period. A nursing home resident is defined as high-risk for pressure ulcer if they meet one or more of the following three criteria:
1. Impaired bed mobility or transfer
2. Comatose


Percent of Residents Assessed and Appropriately Given the Seasonal Influenza Vaccine (long stay)

This measure reports the percentage of long-stay residents, 180 days of age and older, who were in a nursing facility for at least one day during the most recently completed influenza vaccination season (IVS), and who were assessed and appropriately given the seasonal influenza vaccine . The IVS is defined as beginning on October 1 and ends on March 31 of the following year.


Percent of Residents Experiencing One or More Falls with Major Injury (Long Stay)

This measure reports the percentage of long-stay residents in a nursing home who have experienced one or more falls resulting in major injury (defined as bone fractures, joint dislocations, closed head injuries with altered consciousness, or subdural hematoma) reported in the look-back period no more than 275 days prior to the target assessment. The long stay nursing home population is defined as residents who have received 101 or more cumulative days of nursing home care by the end of the target assessment period.


Percent of Residents Who Have/Had a Catheter Inserted and Left in Their Bladder (Long Stay)

This measure reports the percentage of low risk, long-stay residents who have had an indwelling catheter in the last seven days prior to the assessment reference date on the target assessment. In this case, low-risk refers to residents who do not have preexisting conditions, such as neurogenic bladder or obstructive uropathy, which predispose catheter use. This measure is based on data from the Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 OBRA, PPS, and/or discharge assessments during the selected quarter.


Percent of Residents Who Lose Too Much Weight (Long-Stay)

This measure reports the percentage of long-stay nursing home residents with a target Minimum Data Set (MDS) assessment (OBRA, PPS, Discharge) that indicates a weight loss of 5% or more of the baseline weight in the last 30 days or 10% or more of the baseline weight in the last 6 months, which is not a result of a physician-prescribed weight-loss regimen. The baseline weight is the resident’s weight closest to 30 or 180 days before the date of the target assessment. Long-stay residents are identified as residents who have had at least 101 cumulative days of nursing facility care.


Percent of Residents Who Self-Report Moderate to Severe Pain (Long Stay)

This measure reports the percentage of long-stay residents in a nursing facility, who reported almost constant or frequent pain, and at least one episode of moderate to severe pain, or any very severe/horrible pain in the 5 days prior to the target assessment. This measure is based on data from the Minimum Data Set (MDS 3.0) OBRA, PPS, and/or discharge assessments during the selected quarter. This measure is risk-adjusted for resident cognitive status. Long-stay nursing facility residents are identified as those who have had 101 or more cumulative days of nursing facility care.


Percent of Residents Who Self-Report Moderate to Severe Pain (Short Stay)

This measure reports the percentage of short-stay residents in a nursing facility, who reported almost constant or frequent pain, and at least one episode of moderate to severe pain, or any very severe/horrible pain in the 5 days prior to the target assessment. This measure is based on data from the Minimum Data Set (MDS 3.0) OBRA, PPS, and/or discharge assessments during the selected quarter. Short-stay nursing facility residents are identified as those who have had 100 or fewer cumulative days of nursing facility care.


Percent of Residents Who Were Assessed and Appropriately Given the Seasonal Influenza Vaccine (Short-Stay)

The measure reports the percentage of short-stay residents or patients who are assessed and appropriately given the seasonal influenza vaccine during the most recently-completed influenza season. The influenza vaccination season (IVS) is defined as beginning on October 1, or when the vaccine first becomes available*, and ends on March 31 of the following year. This measure is based on the NQF´s National Voluntary Standards for Influenza and Pneumococcal Immunizations.