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Patient Experience and Function

Patient Experience and Function

The Patient Experience and Function (PEF) Standing Committee oversees the portfolio of PEF measures, which includes measures for various subtopics, including functional status change and assessment, shared decision making, care coordination, patient experience, and long-term services and supports.




CBE ID Title Sort descending Steward Submission Type E&M Cycle
0422 Functional status change for patients with Knee impairments Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes Maintenance Spring 2021
0426 Functional status change for patients with Shoulder impairments Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes Maintenance Spring 2021
1898 Health literacy measure derived from the health literacy domain of the C-CAT Center for Bioethics & Humanities Maintenance Fall 2019
0700 Health-related Quality of Life in COPD patients before and after Pulmonary Rehabilitation American Association of Cardiovascular Pulmonary Rehabilitation Maintenance Fall 2017
3559 Hospital-Level, Risk-Standardized Patient-Reported Outcomes Following Elective Primary Total Hip and/or Total Knee Arthroplasty (THA/TKA) Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Maintenance Spring 2020
3593 Identifying Personal Priorities for Functional Assessment Standardized Items (FASI) Needs Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Maintenance Fall 2020
1892 Individual engagement measure derived from the individual engagement domain of the C-CAT University of Colorado Center for Bioethics and Humanities Maintenance Fall 2019
2634 Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) Functional Outcome Measure: Change in Mobility Score for Medical Rehabilitation Patients Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Maintenance Spring 2019
2633 Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) Functional Outcome Measure: Change in Self-Care Score for Medical Rehabilitation Patients Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Maintenance Spring 2019
1896 Language services measure derived from language services domain of the C-CAT University of Colorado Center for Bioethics and Humanities Maintenance Fall 2019
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