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Valid for Measure Submission

CoreQ: AL Family Satisfaction Measure

  • The measure calculates the percentage of family or designated responsible party for assisted living (AL) residents. This consumer reported outcome measure is based on the CoreQ: AL Family Satisfaction questionnaire that has three items.

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CoreQ: AL Resident Satisfaction Measure

  • The measure calculates the percentage of Assisted living (AL) residents, those living in the facility for two weeks or more, who are satisfied. This patient reported outcome measure is based on the CoreQ: AL Resident Satisfaction questionnaire that is a four-item questionnaire.

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Dementia: Cognitive Assessment

  • Percentage of patients, regardless of age, with a diagnosis of dementia for whom an assessment of cognition is performed and the results reviewed at least once within a 12-month period

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Developmental Screening in the First Three Years of Life

  • The percentage of children screened for risk of developmental, behavioral and social delays using a standardized screening tool in the first three years of life. This is a measure of screening in the first three years of life that includes three, age-specific indicators assessing whether children are screened by 12 months of age, by 24 months of age and by 36 months of age.

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Developmental screening using a parent completed screening tool (Parent report, Children 0-5)

  • The measure assesses whether the parent or caregiver completed a developmental screening tool meant to identify children at-risk for developmental, behavioral and social delays. Developmental screening is defined as a standardized tool that assesses the child’s risk for developmental, behavioral and social delays. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends standardized screening using an approved screening tool as the best method of identifying children at risk for developmental, behavioral and/or social delays.

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