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Quality Improvement with Benchmarking (external benchmarking to multiple organizations)

Valid for Measure Submission
Valid for Initial Endorsement
Valid for Maintenance

Optimal End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Starts

  • Information From 2015 Submission

    Optimal End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Starts is the percentage of new adult ESRD patients during the measurement period who experience a planned start of renal replacement therapy by receiving a preemptive kidney transplant, by initiating home dialysis (peritoneal dialysis or home hemodialysis), or by initiating outpatient in-center hemodialysis via arteriovenous fistula or arteriovenous graft.

    CBE ID

Oral Evaluation, Dental Services

  • Percentage of enrolled children under age 21 years who received a comprehensive or periodic oral evaluation within the reporting year.

    CBE ID

Overall Defect Free Care for AMI

  • The proportion of acute MI patients >= 18 years of age that receive "perfect care" based upon their eligibility for each performance measures

    CBE ID

PACE Participant Fall Rate

  • The quarterly incidence rate of falls amongst PACE participants per 1,000 participant days.

    CBE ID

PACE-Acquired Pressure Ulcer/Injury Prevalence Rate

  • Prevalence of PACE-acquired pressure ulcers/injuries (Stages 3, 4, unstageable, and deep tissue injury) among PACE participants in a quarter, expressed as persons with 1 or more pressure ulcers/injuries divided by the number of participants on the PACE organization’s census who resided in a home setting (home or assisted living facility)for at least one day during the quarter.

    CBE ID

Pain Assessment Conducted

  • Percentage of home health episodes of care in which the patient was assessed for pain, using a standardized pain assessment tool, at start/resumption of care.

    CBE ID