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Timely Follow-Up After Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Conditions

Endorsement Status
1.0 New or Maintenance
Previous Endorsement Cycle
Is Under Review
Next Maintenance Cycle
Spring 2029
1.6 Measure Description

This is a measure of follow-up clinical visits for patients with chronic conditions who have experienced an acute exacerbation of one of six conditions (eight categories) of interest (coronary artery disease [CAD] {high or low acuity}, hypertension {high or medium acuity}, heart failure [HF], diabetes, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD]) and are among adult Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) beneficiaries who are attributed to entities participating in the CMMI Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health (REACH) model. Results of the measure are aggregated on an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) level for Standard and New Entrant ACOs. The Yale-New Haven Health Center for Outcomes Research & Evaluation (CORE) has respecified the Timely Follow-Up After Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Conditions Measure, which was originally specified by IMPAQ, CBE #3455.

Measure Specs
General Information
1.7 Measure Type
1.7 Composite Measure
1.3 Electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM)
1.8 Level of Analysis
1.9b Other Care Setting
Hospital: Rural Emergency
1.10 Measure Rationale

The Timely Follow Up After Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Conditions Measure (hereafter, “TFU measure”) captures follow-up clinical visits for patients with chronic conditions who have experienced an acute exacerbation of one of six conditions (with eight categories) of interest (coronary artery disease [CAD] {high or low acuity}, hypertension {high or medium acuity}, heart failure [HF], diabetes, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD]) and are among adult Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) beneficiaries who are attributed to entities participating in the CMMI Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health (REACH) model. The goal of this measure is to encourage Model Participants to deliver clinically appropriate follow-up care for the specified conditions, improve care coordination, and produce long-term savings for a given healthcare system. Because the measure is stratified by social risk factor variables, this measure also helps to promote health equity in underserved communities. 

The Yale-New Haven Health Center for Outcomes Research & Evaluation (CORE) has respecified the Timely Follow-Up After Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Conditions Measure (TFU), which was originally specified by IMPAQ, CBE #3455.



Patients hospitalized or seen acutely in the Emergency Department (ED) for exacerbations of chronic conditions are at high risk of readmission and poorly coordinated care, which may increase healthcare spending, worsen healthcare outcomes, and result in poor quality of life.

The intent of the Timely Follow-Up After Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Conditions (TFU) measure is to encourage appropriate follow-up care and improve care coordination at discharge. Better coordination of care and time spent with providers can lead to improved quality of care and quality of life, and reduced healthcare costs.

The TFU measure is a pay-for-performance quality measure for the Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health (ACO REACH) model, which aims to reduce administrative burden by simplifying billing code practices—freeing time and resources to focus on advanced primary care and care coordination for patients with complex, chronic conditions. The measure is claims-based and low-burden to align with this intent of the ACO REACH model.

Evidence has shown that delivering clinically appropriate follow-up care and improving care coordination can improve healthcare outcomes, reduce readmissions, and reduce healthcare costs. Outpatient follow-up rates vary significantly, and there are disparities for patients with social risk, indicating potential for improving care for the target population. Early outpatient follow-up can prevent ED visits and readmissions, and their associated costs, clinical sequelae, and impact on patient experience.  (See question 2.2 Evidence for further detail on evidence and supporting literature.)


1.20 Types of Data Sources
1.20a Other Data Source
2019 Area Deprivation Index
1.25 Data Source Details

To calculate the measure score, CMS uses final-action claims for Medicare FFS Part A and B, administrative (enrollment data) from the Medicare Beneficiary Summary File. Measure scores are calculated for REACH ACOs and their aligned beneficiaries, as well as non-REACH ACO provider groups (TINs and CCNs that bill Medicare FFS Parts A and B) and beneficiaries aligned using the same ACO REACH Model alignment criteria. Non-REACH ACO provider groups must have at least 1000 aligned and eligible beneficiaries to be included in the benchmarking population. 

This is a claims-based measure, and the measure score is calculated automatically from 100% final-action claims; claims data are routinely generated during the delivery of care.  We did not encounter any difficulties with respect to data feasibility, reliability, or validity. 

As described in Section 1.19, we also use the 2019 Area Deprivation Index data and the RTI_RACE_CD variable from the Integrated Data Repository for race/ethnicity stratification.