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Instrument-Based Data

Functional Change: Change in Mobility Score

  • Change in rasch derived values of mobility function from admission to discharge among adults aged 18 and older receiving inpatient medical rehabilitation at a post acute care facility who were discharged alive. The timeframe for the measure is 12 months. The measure includes the following 4 mobility items:1. Transfer Bed/Chair/Wheelchair, 2. Transfer Toilet, 3. Locomotion, 4. Stairs.

    CBE ID

Functional Change: Change in Self Care Score

  • Change in rasch derived values of self-care function from admission to discharge among adults receiving inpatient medical rehabilitation and discharged alive. The timeframe for the measure is 12 months. The measure includes the following 8 items: Feeding, Grooming, Dressing Upper Body, Dressing Lower Body, Toileting, Bowel, Expression, and Memory.

    CBE ID

Functional status change for patients with elbow, wrist and hand impairments

  • A self-report outcome measure of functional status for patients 14 years+ with elbow, wrist, hand impairments. The change in functional status assessed using FOTO (elbow, wrist and hand) PROM is adjusted to patient characteristics known to be associated with functional status outcomes (risk adjusted) and used as a performance measure at the patient level, at the individual clinician, and at the clinic level to assess quality.

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Functional status change for patients with Foot and Ankle impairments

  • This is a patient-reported outcome performance measure (PRO-PM) consisting of an item response theory-based patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) of change in functional status (FS) for patients aged 14 years and older with foot and ankle impairments. The change in FS is assessed using the FOTO Lower Extremity Physical Function (LEPF) PROM. The measure is adjusted to patient characteristics known to be associated with FS outcomes (risk adjusted) and used as a performance measure at the patient, individual clinician, and clinic levels to assess quality.

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Functional status change for patients with General orthopaedic impairments

  • A self-report outcome measure of functional status for patients 14 years+ with general orthopaedic impairments. The change in functional status assessed using FOTO (general orthopedic) PROM is adjusted to patient characteristics known to be associated with functional status outcomes (risk adjusted) and used as a performance measure at the patient level, at the individual clinician, and at the clinic level by to assess quality.

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Functional status change for patients with Hip impairments

  • A self-report measure of change in functional status for patients 14 years+ with hip impairments. The change in functional status assessed using FOTO’s (hip) PROM is adjusted to patient characteristics known to be associated with functional status outcomes (risk adjusted) and used as a performance measure at the patient level, at the individual clinician, and at the clinic level to assess quality.

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Functional status change for patients with Knee impairments

  • A self-report measure of change in functional status for patients 14 year+ with knee impairments. The change in functional status assessed using FOTO’s (knee ) PROM is adjusted to patient characteristics known to be associated with functional status outcomes (risk adjusted) and used as a performance measure at the patient level, at the individual clinician, and at the clinic level to assess quality.

    CBE ID

Functional status change for patients with Shoulder impairments

  • A self-report outcome measure of change in functional status for patients 14 years+ with shoulder impairments. The change in functional status assess using FOTO’s (shoulder) PROM is adjusted to patient characteristics known to be associated with functional status outcomes (risk adjusted) and used as a performance measure at the patient level, at the individual clinician, and at the clinic level to assess quality.

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